Sunday, September 19, 2010

Uniform Day, and Girls Night out at Tarzan!

So I signed up as a volunteer for the Vision Screening at school and I told Emma I would be coming with her to school. She says to me "If you don't go to school in Vista colors Mommy, they will send you home! It's the rules!". So I told her that we would all go to school in "Vista Uniform" and even though all the other times I have volunteered she never seemed to care what we wore, I thought it might be fun to dress matching even though they don't require it. It was really pretty cute!
Emma, Taylor, and I went up to see Tarzan together on our monthly Mommy- daughters Date! It was so much fun and they were just fascinated by the performance! But of course they had to get the essentials, a toy, candy, popcorn, and a snow cone. It wouldn't be a show without it! As much as they loved it they were so exhausted by the time we got home! They said it was the best date we had so far! How do you compete with Tarzan? Next month's date has got to be creative!
Could this be considered cross dressing if I am Tarzan? ha ha, I love these silly poses they have at Tuachan! What a fun and amazing night indeed!

1 comment:

Valerie said...

That is so fun you and the girls went out together to see Tarzan. Brandon took Stock and although he loved it, he was also exhausted when they got home ha ha ha. You are your girls are so beautiful, what a cute family!